First grant for the purchase of a drilling rig
704,102.65 PLN – this is the amount of subsidy that ZRB Janicki company received from the Regional Operational Programme of Silesian Voivodeship for 2007–2013. The money will be used for the project entitled “Increasing competition and expanding the offer of ZRB Janicki company by purchasing an innovative drilling rig for performing controlled drillings”.
Second grant for the purchase of drilling tools
We are pleased to announce that the company ZRB Janicki once again joined the group of EU beneficiaries within the Regional Operational Programme of Silesia Province for 2007-2013.
Global innovations in the ZRB Janicki company thanks to EU support
“The use of innovative drilling fluid recycling system in trenchless technologies as a factor increasing the competitiveness of ZRB Janicki” – this is the name of another ZRB Janicki project that will be executed thanks to the subsidy from the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2007–2013 (co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund).
Grants for innovation – investing in your future
ZRB Janicki will carry out another project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007–2013. This time it is the task entitled “Implementation of large-size and long-distance two-way drilling technology Intersect with an innovative separation system”, which is financed from the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (Priority Axis: 4. Investments in innovative undertakings, Measure: 4.4 New investments with high innovative potential).
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Request for proposal 1/2017

With reference to the implementation of the project : “Implementation of large-scale rock drilling technology with an innovative high-performance separation system”, we would like to request a quotation for the supply of fixed assets.
RESULT of the procedure Request for quotation 1/2017

At the end of the procedure, we present the results. To all the bidders – thank you!
Project co-financed by SCP Silesia
Funding awarded! We are in a group of 168 companies that have received funding under the:
Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodeship 2014–2020
Priority axis: 3. Competitiveness of SMEs
Measure: 3.2. Innovation in SMEs
Call no: RPSL.03.02.00-IP.01-24-005/16
Project type(s): Implementation and commercialisation of product and process innovations
Project title: Implementation of large-size rock drilling technology with an innovative high-performance separation system
Project co-financed by European Funds
Zakład Remontowo Budowlany Instalacje Wod.-Kan., C.O., Gaz. s.c. Janicki Piotr, Janicki Jacek is executing the project co-financed by European Funds
Implementation of an energy-efficient technology of drilling with ecological electric drive
The aim of the project is:
implementation of a comprehensive solution for energy-efficient directional drilling
with ecological electric drive technology which is a combination of process, product and non-technological innovation. Necessary to implement this technology is purchase of new fixed assets.
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